828 They've promised to keep both we quality and the quantity of the 300 bicycles in conformity with the contract stipulations. 他们已承诺那300辆自行车的质量和数量一定与合同规定相吻合。
We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望质量与合同规定相符。
We sincerely promise that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚地保证质量、数量与合同规定相吻合。
A felony security breach for you to be using Milo's code. The mortgage contract shall not run counter to the laws and regulations of the State or the stipulations of the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land. 但你使用麦洛的账号仍然是严重的违规行为抵押合同不得违背国家法律、法规和土地使用权出让合同的规定。
We'll fulfill all the contract stipulations. 我们将履行合同的全部条款。
However, it must be emphasized that relevant review and comments does not relieve the supplier's responsibilities as stipulated in the contract, and to ensure that the design fully complies with relevant stipulations of the contract. 然而,必须强调,相关审核和意见并不解除在合同中所规定的供应商责任,并应确认设计完全符合合同的有关规定。
We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the contract stipulations. 我方坚持立即装运,否则我们将依照和约条款进行强制取消订单。
Whereas an employee asks to terminate the labor contract due to occupational disease or becoming disabled because of work the enterprise should pay the social insurance agency the reemployment settlement fee for those who becoming disabled because of work in accordance with the stipulations of the local government. 因患职业病或因工致残的职工,若本人要求解除劳动合同,企业应按当地政府规定,向社会保险机构缴纳因工致残就业安置费。
Inspection of import and export commodities shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the contract stipulations and the standards required. 进出口商品将严格按照合同规定与要求标准进行检验。
Similarly, a recipient of a private contract or charitable grant has a duty to use that money according to contractual stipulations. 与此类似,一个私人合同或者慈善资金的接受人有义务按照合同条款使用这笔钱。
Please see that the credit be opened in accordance with the contract stipulations to avoid unnecessary amendments. 请注意信用证须按合同规定开立,以避免不必要的修改。
It is qualified to engage in the transactions under this contract and such transactions conform to the stipulations of its business scope; 有资格从事本合同项下之交易,而该等交易符合其经营范围之规定;
I suppose packing will be done strictly in accordance with the contract stipulations. 我想包装一定会严格按照合同规定进行吧?
On Model Contract and its Stipulations 格式合同及其规制
On the Principle of Contract Relativity and Its Exception Stipulations 论合同相对性原则及其例外规定
Liabilities element consists of 3 elements suchas definite creditor and debtor, agree ment on contract or stipulations of law. 负债要素是由明确的债权人和债务人、合同的约定或者法律的规定三个要素所组成的。
Although the Contract Law on contract forms has complemented new stipulations in accordance with market economy, there is still devoid of definite stipulation of legal quality and validity of legal contract forms. Thus, it results in different interpretations and practice in theoretical jurisprudence and its practice. 《合同法》在合同形式方面做出了许多与市场经济相适应的新规定,但由于对法定形式的法律性质和效力缺乏明确规定,引起法学理论和审判实践上的诸多不同理解和做法。
Our country has established this system in Contract, but the stipulations of clause and the judging standards of thorough breach in contract still need to be perfected. 我国《合同法》确立了根本违约制度,但在条文规定和根本违约判定标准的确定上还有待完善。
In the absence of mutual trust and a good legal system, the main factor leading to lawsuit is not usually ambiguity of contract stipulations but intentional violation as a tactical choice. 作者发现,如果缺乏信任和良好法律体系,导致诉讼的原因一般不是因为契约的模糊性,相反,故意违约并引发诉讼更主要是人们的策略性选择。
But the current laws on EPC contract are decentralized, Some stipulations in Contract Law and Construction law are not entirely suitable for the EPC contract and needed for further research and improvement. 而当前关于EPC合同的法律规定较为分散,合同法和建设工程法律法规在某些方面并不完全适用于EPC合同,需进一步进行研究和完善。